GPS Navigation - Catrin Brown

As low as:

$400.00 / person

(at 1:1 ratio)

GPS (Global Positioning Systems) are incredible pieces of technology that can greatly enhance your spectrum of options in wilderness navigation. On this course we'll demystify these devices by teaching you: how the map, compass and the GPS unit are related; what UTM and latitude and longitude location are and how to work with each on the GPS; how to mark a waypoint and enter routes; how to travel to waypoints and on routes; using the correct map datum settings and much more. Please note that we consider it unsafe and unwise to attempt to use a GPS for wilderness navigation if you do not first have a good understanding of "old school" map and compass navigation. Therefore we ask that you have the IAG Wilderness Navigation One or similar training or experience before coming on our GPS course.

Included in the price:


Not included in the price:

Transportation. Personal clothing and equipment

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