AST1 Washington (Gift Certificate)

As low as:

$0.00 / person

(at 8:1 ratio)

Looking to ride in the backcountry this winter? Avalanche Skills Training 1 (AST1) is an introductory course geared towards recreationalists with little to no experience in avalanche terrain. It’s also suitable for those with some experience who are looking for more formalized training. AST1 is recommended for anyone venturing into avalanche terrain outside of ski area boundaries.

Included in the price:

2 days of instruction with a certified instructor
Certificate of completion
Avalanche Skills Training Handbook
Avaluator Trip Planner/Slope Assessment Tool
Avalanche Canada student fee

Not included in the price:

Personal equipment
Avi Kit (transceiver, shovel, probe – available as an add-on)
Lift ticket (available as an add on)

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