Avalanche Skills Intro - Victoria
$150.00 / person
(at 8:1 ratio)Start a new trip
Our Victoria-based, one-day course covers the in-classroom theory session of the Avalanche Canada AST1 (Avalanche Skills Training One) curriculum, as well as an introduction to the basics of companion rescue. This allows students to get part one of the training done in the city first before travelling to the mountains on another weekend to take the Avalanche Skills Field Day. This provides the option of another day to play in the mountains on the second weekend, or to take the highly beneficial, one-day AST Plus course.
The combination of the Avalanche Skills Intro followed by the Avalanche Skills Field Day results in being awarded the AST1 certificate, though the one-day course is still a worthy endeavour on its own.
All Island Alpine Guides courses and trips take place in an outdoor, wilderness environment. This means that as a participant you will be encountering various risks, dangers and hazards some of which include avalanches, cornices, crevasses, cliffs, trees, creeks, rockfall, difficult travel conditions, weather, illness, equipment failure, wild animals, becoming lost as well as the possibility of mistakes being made by IAG guides and instructors. To participate in these activities you will be required to read and agree to our waiver as part of the registration process. You will also be required to sign the waiver at the start of the course or trip. In doing so you will waive or give up certain legal rights including the right to sue or to claim compensation following an accident.
Included in the price:
- One day of instruction
- Avaluator
- Canadian Avalanche Centre student fee
Not included in the price:
- Transportation
- Food
- Accommodation
- Clothing
- Transceiver
Transceiver rental $10.00
If you are bringing your own transceiver, it must be a modern, digital, 3-antenna transceiver, otherwise you will need to rent one from us to take part.
Excellent course, top notch instructor!John R, Victoria
It was great! Alex is an excellent presenter and the course content was very good.John Y, Nanaimo
The course was great. Alex is very passionate and knowledgable.Ron M, Nanaimo