Spring Time!

Posted on Apr 18, 2013

I love Spring. This is the time of the year that all my favourite activities are possible at the same time. As an Islander I think of everything from Mount Waddington to Bella Coola as part of my back yard. So this week I am in Bella Coola enjoying dry powder and superlative mountain landscapes here in my back yeard. I’ll be posting a short montage of photos and video on the Island Alpine Guides Facebook page shortly so you can see how amazing spring skiing in our magnificent coastal ranges can be.

Next I’m off to Red Rocks Nevada for some desert rock and then straight back to the island for heli accessed ski touring. After that it’s the start of our alpine climbing season plus we’re skiing steep lines on Mount Arrowsmith and getting a whole bunch of people started rock climbing and lead climbing on rock.

Here are some of the things that we have coming up soon that still have space on them:

One Day Intro Rock Climbing 21 April

Arrowsmith Spring Ski Lines 11 May

One Day Crevasse Rescue 18 or 19 May

Juan de Fuca Trail 25-28 May

West Buttress of Rambler Peak 4-7 June

Three Day Alpine Skills Course 8-10 June

Of course these are just a few of the possibilities for trips that people have already started and which still have space for others to join. If you are not finding what you are after above you can cruise around our web site and pick the perfect trip for you. Then get in touch and let us know the dates that you want to do the trip on and we’ll post it on our web site so that others will join you. Or of course you always have the option to hire one of our super experienced guides and instructors for a custom course or trip just for you or you and your friends and family.

Have a great spring and be in touch!

Jan and the crew at Island Alpine Guides